Friday nite I went to one of the best shows ever. It was with
Casxio,von iva, and the trucks. I am not a very big von iva fan so the fact that they were there didn't thrill me much, but they were actually very surprisingly good. Their new stuff is way better than their last album and they have this song about l.a. which pretty much settled for me that I really need to get the fuck out of here, which is funny because I was thinking and talking about me needing to leave with my best friend right before the show. Funny how music has a way of being that connected. The trucks were way to fucking cute and I regret denying their add the first time they tried to add me. The real gem of the night though I have to say was casxio, I have been trying to see them for a while but never end up making it to their shows, and I'm glad I caught this one.
I don't really know any of their history except they are fairly new and from LA, making it easy for me to see them a lot more and at reasonable prices,which I will be doing. To call them indie/dance rock would be all to simple. Maybe you can tell maybe you can't but I'm not into the genre label dropping, but that would be the closest that I can get to describing them. They really remind me of a few different bands: the Police,the rapture and some good funk and soul. The Police only because the singer plays the bass and they are extremely bass heavy(which I fucking LOVE),some sort of rockabilly because they totally have that style and while their music is semi-rockish its dancey but more fast paced than the rapture would be. At many moments the singer totally sounds like luke from the rapture and their guitar player does back up vocals and lead vocals from time to time as well, so that comparison is bound to be drawn. They are like a raw under produced version of the rapture,and I mean that as a compliment not an insult. Lets just hope the dfa don't find out about them and over produce them(and i do like the dfa,for the record).Buying their ep was the best 5 bucks ever spent and will make my cool quota go up,i hope.
Casxio-Calling You
The Trucks-Titties
The Trucks-Zombie
don't miss tonite at my favorite tuesday nite spot..even though I won't be there:

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