Everytime I hear a new feist remix, I start to think that I actually like her. Then I hear the original and am reminded again why I don't. She does get some props though for allowing some amazing people to remix her,making her music more appealing to various different people,like myself,so big ups to you girl!! On a side note every single van she tech remix is totally amazing especially their version of around the world.
feist-1 2 3 4 (van she tech remix)
I know what you mean. It's like I really WANT to like her, but there's just that little something that I cant get into. Her talent is obvious, but there's something important missing. It's almost like she's being the artist that she wants to be instead of the artist that she actually is. Maybe that's a bit harsh. I dunno. I didnt even like that Van She remix that much, but I loved the Chromeo "Sea Lion" one. Oh well. Your blog rules, keep it up.
-Supa, ATX
i think i love you.
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