As I think I have stated before, I don't care about posting the newest shit. I have begun to listen to all of my cds again because my fucking ipod is full and I need to make some room. I stumbled upon this dimmak sampler that I got at the last dimmak party at cinespace that I have and will ever go to. There is the best remix ever of that bloc party song helicopter by wierd science featuring none other than peaches doing some guest vocals. I don't really like bloc party and I definetly don't like steve aoki, and the dude from the moving units needs to get himself and the heroin and then I might like him a little bit more,either way this remix is a fucking gem and I hope you enjoy it is much as I do.
bloc party-helicopter(wierd science remix feat. peaches)
and if i weren't such and avid steve aoki/cinespace hater i would most defintely be at this tonite:

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