It's been too long since Lo-fi-fnk have made my day with new songs. I am beyond thrilled that they are making my day, and keeping my mind occupied while I can't sleep.
I completely forgot to update when I reached the 100 mark, shame shame shame on me. The cake party was yesterday, thanks to everyone who made it out, and thanks to everyone that got me to that milestone.
I wish I could stop listening to this song on ultra mega super duper repeat.
So first off I can't really believe that I'm posting this song, but its my besties birthday and this is his jam, and this remix doesn't make me want to harm small children.
Stereolab should definitely not need an introduction. Lætitia Sadier being the most recognized from stereolab, should also not need an introduction. This is album is great, if for no other reason, that you can actually understand (most of the time) her.
Stereolab really need to get over themselves and put out a new album and tour again, asap.